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 Completely yourself. .

The only reason for being on this earth is the same for every human being: to be happy. 

Each one of you fills it in in ther own way. 

A lot of people are living in conflict with themselves. Horizon Coaching will help them where they are stuck. Want to know more then look further down this page. We are happy to assist you.

take control of



The most important thing in life is to love yourself.

Often we say with our mouth that we love ourselfs but inside we have doubt. Often we are hard on ourselves. We feel insicure. 

We are not in control of our own life.

Its time to change. The only one who can change is you. Its time to take resposibility for your live. Its time to accept your self and be who you want to be.

Have diffecultis accepting yourself you can turn to us for help.

With methods like EFT or procecces like Rapid Healing we can help you to make the change wich is neccery to reach your goal. Accepting your self who you are and loving yourself.




Law of Attraction


The definition off the Law of Attractión is: I attract to my live everything i give attention, focus or energy to, whether positive or negative.

This means that everything in your live is attracted by yourself positive or negative.

So when we examen the result in our life and find out that we don,t like what we see, we have to change the way we think. Because the way we thing is the way we attract results in our live.

Why we have bad results is because our beliefs. Why we have bad results is because the way we talk about ourselfs, others, our life. Are we thinking in possibilitys or do we using the word BUT a lot.

Horizon Coaching wil help you to determinate the problem and show you the way to change your live for the better.

You decide wich and what the result is after the change.

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Mila Carretero  & Enno Kim

To Be.


One of the things resulting from the Law of Attraction is the fact that you creates your reality 100 % . This fact goes much further than many can contain from us. All ... really all there is in your life, you have created yourself. Just to see what it's like to make this note or that possess or be. We are all part and parcel of Self. Not separated from it myself yet individual. Every time you make a choice you are creating all options that you could choose from. You then creates other selves  that the other options are going to experience . So if you ever think ... " I did but .... " then do not worry , because another part of your 'self' has experienced  it for you. Those other option as part of the self .

who understands 100% reality , understands that there are no victims . Because you , for whatever reason, have created it . Someone else can not really hurt if you understand this. Because, at the moment where you feel pain go see why it hurts you . Yourself What belief or idea is in your way so you have come to believe that this or that is done to you . And you can then work on it. ( with eft or essence or similar method ) , but there is nothing you have done . At the moment where you see through you got rid of a lot of unnecessary emotions . Anger, resentment, dependency , etc. are all no longer needed if you feel yourself a victim .

Sometimes people like to talk about forgiveness . Like it's something noble to forgive or to be forgiven someone. Forgiveness is not well understood . If someone asks for forgiveness , you confirm factual victimization . You deprives him his own responsibility . His creation . Something always attract what it  the same . You can not hurt another , unless that person is on the same level of vibration and therefore agrees  Because many people do not understand the Law of Attraction well they think they are victims of circumstances or people in their environment . Then they say: " Thats nice to say, but they are still hurting me. And I 'm still sick , and I do not have money .... You're saying it's my own fault ! ! "

There is no fault . You can always choose a different direction . Even though we sometimes think it's really that easy does not work . We think just because we have been trained . Often so If you do not give other people blame your misery is suddenly a lot of room for change and you can finally go in the direction that you want.







If you are not happy.

If the results and outcome of your life dont make you happy.

If you want to change but dont know how.

Its time to consult us. We as coaches will guide you back to the path you want to go. We will make the road as pleasant as it can be.

Call us and make an apointment for a consult.


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